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Showing posts from January, 2018

A Letter From Fort Portal, Kabarole, Tooro, Uganda

A Letter From Fort Portal, Kabarole, Tooro, Uganda Introduction For a Tanzanian, or a Kenyan for that matter, being in Uganda is like bearing witness to time rolling back to the time we were taught the geography of East Africa in school many a decade ago. The economic links among the three East African countries, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda are now a century old. For the links started in 1917 when the colonial regimes of Kenya and Uganda established a customs union, to be joined by Tanganyika in 1927. The Customs Union made way for the East African High Commission in 1948. With the advent of the independence of Tanganyika, it was agreed that common services which until then had been provided by the East African High Commission, should continue to be provided by the East African Common Services Organization (EACSO). The three independent states; Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda decided to refine the nature of cooperation by forming the East African Community (EAC) in 1967. In a move a