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Showing posts from April, 2018

Kwaheri Mhandisi Ngusa Izengo

Kwaheri Mhandisi Ngusa Laurent Izengo 1972 - 2018 Mwaka 2008, niliteuliwa kuwa Waziri wa Maji na Umwagiliaji. Awali ya hapo nilikuwa Waziri wa Nchi (Ofisi ya Makamu wa Rais) Mazingira, na kabla ya hapo, Waziri wa Mawasiliano na Uchukuzi. Moja ya changamoto kubwa ya Waziri awaye yote ni kumpata Katibu wa Waziri ambaye ndiye msaidizi mkuu, mratibu na msimamizi mkuu wa ofisi ya Waziri. Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ambaye ndiye afisa mtendaji mkuu wa Wizara, akisaidiwa na Mkurugenzi wa Utumishi ndio wanaomsaidia Waziri katika kumpata mmoja wa watumishi waandamizi, kuwa Katibu wa Waziri. Kwa kuwa Katibu wa Waziri anafanya kazi na Waziri, basi anayependekezwa lazima akubalike na Waziri. Katibu ndiye anayepanga ratiba ya kazi ya Waziri. Katibu wa Waziri ndiye anayewaona kwanza wageni wote wa Waziri. Katibu ndiye anayechukua kumbukumbu ya vikao vyote vya Waziri. Katibu wa Waziri ndiye kiungo cha muda wote kati ya Waziri na watendaji wa Wizara. Ingawa K

A Letter to Comrade Martin Thembisile (Chris) Hani

A Letter to Comrade Martin Thembisile (Chris) Hani April 10, 2018 Comrade Chris, To an ordinary mortal it would seem odd that I should communicate with you, us being worlds apart. To a Christian, such as I am, and to you, born a Catholic, being a committed member of the South African Communist Party (SACP), notwithstanding, the belief in and notion of life in the world after comes naturally. Furthermore, very African as both of us are, we firmly believe in the presence in our midst, of the souls of the departed, residing in, among other places, the hills and mountains, the valleys, the pristine forests and woods, and in our homes, among other beauties mother nature has endowed mother Africa. I therefore have no hesitation whatsoever in undertaking this mission of communicating with you Comrade Hani, coming as it does, on the 25 th anniversary of your departure. The chilly southern hemispherical autumn Easter Saturday of 10 th of April, 1993, was the longest day in the